Thursday, October 11, 2007

Assignment # 5

My first opening lines are the following:

1. The love of the country grew stronger, but not finding a home was a problem.
This is what happen to the mice family.

2. The cat had been ruler of this barn for years, until everything fell apart.

3. The days were spent rooming the barn and the flower gardens, until one horrible day. The cat's world fell apart on this horrible day.

4. The days for the cat were long sleeping and patrolling the barn, waiting until his next catch. Until one day, he found it.

5. The cat waited all day for his next prey until one day someone disturbed his afternoon watch. He followed the new smell. He had never smelled this smell before. It lead him to a family of mice!

1 comment:

Tyler K's Blog said...

My favorite of the four is number 4. It is action packed and leaves mystery for the reader.