Monday, December 3, 2007

I am a thinker and I think thinks

1. Something that really concerns me about the world is the peer pressure to smoke. I think that kids my age are just smoking because they want to fit in. These kids need to realize that smoking is not cool. I feel this why because I am a high school student and I see people at my school getting into smoking. It really bothers me.

2. One dynamic personality is a person that is really outgoing. I am going to call her Sarah. Sarah makes others feel good and important. She is a person that volunteers a lot. Sarah puts others needs before her own. One example is giving time to serve food to the needy. Sarah could want to go out and hang out with her friends, but she is giving her time up to help others.

3. The piece of art that has inspird me is the painting of my cat. My cat name was Boo. She was a great cat. Her painting hangs in my room. It makes me think of her and all the good times we had together. The painting brings me joy every time I look at it. It makes me think that she is watching down from heaven at me. She makes me want to do my best.


Kathryn's Blog said...

Cute. I love cats. I have five of them at home. I kind of disagree with you about the peer pressure part. No one really pressures people to do anything anymore but I do agree with you that people smoke to look cool which is totally stupid. Smoking's bad for you and if you're doing it to be cool, then wow. Bad decision on their part.

Nesha said...

I totally agree on the smoking thing.I think that people smoke just to fit in and because everyone is doing it and they feel like they have to belong. I totally agree

Mr. Miles said...

I am a cat person too! I'm assuming this is in reference to a painting OF your cat. :) There was a book made several years ago called CATS WHO PAINT. It was very cute and showed cats painting.

I never got the smoking thing either. Who intentionally starts an addictive substance like cigarettes? We should make artechokes illegal, so when kids rebel, they don't hurt themselves with cigarettes.